Ford Foundation
“Justice begins where inequality ends. We’re building a world where everyone has the power to shape their lives.”
KR Foundation
“Addressing the root causes of climate change.”
Marisla Foundation
“Awarding grants in the area of Environment and Human Services.”
Oak Foundation
“We address issues of global, social and environmental concern.”
Omidyar Network
“A social change venture that works to bring about structural changes that will fundamentally shift the systems that govern our daily lives.”
MAVA Foundation
“We conserve biodiversity for the benefit of people and nature by funding, mobilising and strengthening our partners and the conservation community.”
MAVA were one of P4NE’s founding funder partners. The lifecycle of MAVA Foundation means they ceased all grant-making, including as a P4NE funder partner, in 2022.
Swiss Philanthropy Foundation
“We provide personalized support for the realization of philanthropic initiatives to contribute to a better world.”
Partners for a New Economy is hosted by the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, a charitable umbrella foundation that promotes the development of philanthropy by managing funds and providing grant management services and council for charitable ventures.